뉴질랜드 법인명

Company Name
Pathway International Education Services Ltd.


Company Founded
2000.6 (under the name of STP International Co. Ltd)

About us

2016년에 설립된 PIES Global은
국제 교육 이벤트 및 교류 프로그램 기획 전문회사로서 모기업인 Pathway International Education Services Ltd. 의 EVENT 전문 기획사입니다.
정부간 교육연수 프로그램 및 기업체 연수와 전문가 초청 교육 세미나 등을 기획하고 진행하는 업체입니다.

Founded in 2016,
PIES Global is an international educational event and exchange program planning company specializing in EVENT specialization by its parent company Pathway International Education Services Ltd.
The company plans and conducts inter-government training programs, training programs for businesses, and training seminars for experts.

Introducing About Auckland

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our best vision

Why Choose Us


English Teacher Training Program Events

자매결연학교 소개 및 MOU체결

Introduction of sisterhood relationship school and signing MOU

공식 학교방문 및 통역서비스

Official Visiting to School and Interpreting Services


School Holiday Camp Program

기업체 및 대학생 해외연수

Consulting on the Overseas Training Program of Business and College Students

국제 세미나 및 특수분야 교육이벤트

Consulting on International Education Seminar and Events in Specific Sector

our best service

What we do


English Teacher Training Program Events

자매결연학교 소개 및 MOU체결

Introduction of sisterhood relationship school and signing MOU

공식 학교방문 및 통역서비스

Official Visiting to School and Interpreting Services


School Holiday Camp Program

기업체 및 대학생 해외연수

Consulting on the Overseas Training Program of Business and College Students

국제 세미나 및 특수분야 교육이벤트

Consulting on International Education Seminar and Events in Specific Sector

our quality team

Director's Personal History


Shi Hwan Son | Michael

- NZ 유학뉴스 전문 매거진:The Pathway 대표
- 제13대 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 한인회 부회장 겸 교육이사
- 現)오클랜드 유학생 협의회 회장 / PIES Global 대표
- 2017.04 오클랜드 총영사 표창장 수상
- 2017.11 한국교원대학교 종합교육연수원장 감사패수상
- 1998.02. 성균관대학교 건축대학 대학원 졸업

Shi Hwan Son | Michael


- Director of The Pathway:NZ's International Students Business(YouHak) & Immigration News Magazine
- The 13th Vice president and education director of Auckland Korean Community in New Zealand
- AKISA: The current president of the Auckland International Students’ Association
- PIES Global representative
- 2017.04 Award by Consul General of the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Auckland
- 2017.11 Appreciation plaque by Korea National University of Education The Center for In-Service Education
- 1998.02. Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University Graduate School of Architecture

See our timeline

Company Profile


09 September

인천 먼우금 초등학교와 Wentworth School 자매결연 및 연수 유치
Sister School between Incheon Munwoogum Elementary School and Wentworth School & College. Partnership and Language Trainin


07 July

초중등 영어교사 상반기 연수 5+1 (초등18명) 유치
PIES China “GOLD Camp” 2주
PIES SEL Camp 4주: 한국학생
Primary, Intermediate, and High school English teacher training programme (called “5+1 programme”) in the first half of the year (18 primary school teachers) PIES China “GOLD Camp” – two weeks
PIES SEL Camp for Korean Students – four weeks


04 April

초중등 영어교사 장기심화연수 3+3 유치(34명)
The long-term advanced training programme (called “3+3 programme”) for Primary, Intermediate, and High School English Teachers (34 teachers)


01,02 January, February

동신대학교 물리치료학과 학생연수(5명 4주)
강원 외국어교육원 하반기 초중등 영어교사 장기심화연수 뉴질랜드 현지진행업체 with UCC(15명)
The Training Programme for Dongshin University Physiotherapy Student (5 students, 4 weeks)
Local agency of The long-term advanced training programme in the latter half of the year for Primary, Intermediate, and High School English Teachers from Gangwon International Language Institute with UCC (15 teachers)


07 July

NCEA 한국어 교과서 제작 with 오클랜드대학 한국학생회
NCEA Textbook in Korean Edition with Auckland University Students’ Association


04 April

뉴질랜드 오클랜드 한인회날 행사 총괄기획 및 진행
한국교원대학교 교장연수 뉴질랜드 협력업체(400명)
뉴질랜드 교육부장관 초청 환영의 밤 기획 및 진행 General Director and Operator of Auckland Korean Day in New Zealand
The Training Programme for the Presidents of Korea National University of Education partner agency (400 staff)
Director and Operator of a welcoming night with the Minister of Education in New Zealand


02,03 February, March

고구려대학교 국제학부설립 현지협력업체 MOU체결
ENZRA Certificate 과정 수료
Local partner agency for MOU contract between Koguryeo College and AIS NZST CORNELL International Faculty Establishment
ENZRA Certificate


01,04 January, April

NZYLS(New Zealand Young Leadership Summit)
동신대학교 물리치료학과 학생 연수 유치
한국교원대학교 교장연수 뉴질랜드 협력업체(500명)
The Training Programme for Dongshin University Physiotherapy Student
The Training Programme for the Presidents of Korea National University of Education partner agency (500 staff)


01~09 January, September

NZYLS(New Zealand Young Leadership Summit)
제10회 IVY League Tour
The 10th IVY League Tour


01,12 January, December

NZYLS(New Zealand Young Leadership Summit)
뉴질랜드 방학캠프 브랜드 론칭 SEL CAMP
New Zealand School Holiday Camp Brand Launch SEL CAMP


01,03 January, March

SEL Camp 브랜드 론칭(뉴질랜드 방학캠프)
명품 주니어 유학 1학기 프로그램 론칭
SEL Camp Brand launch (New Zealand Holiday Camp)
The 1st Semester Prestigious Junior International Education Programme Launch


04 April

제주국제영어마을 캠프
뉴질랜드 교류관계를 위한 공식대행업체 선정
Jeju International village camp
Delegated to the official agency for the relationship with New Zealand


8 August

신라대학교 해외인턴쉽사업 및 해외대학과의 협약체결
Silla University Overseas Internship Programme and the Agreement with overseas universities


11, 12 November, December

충청북도 단양군 자매도시 사업 공식대행업체 선정
Homeplus 여행클럽 여름방학 캠프 유치
Delegated to the official agency of the sister-city affiliation business of Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Province of Korea
Host of Home Plus Travel Club Summer School Holiday Camp


1,8,9 Jan, Aug, Sep

강릉영동대학 자매결연사업 with Waikato University
뉴질랜드 관광산업과 교육제도 강의 at 강릉영동대학
BC카드 여름방학 캠프 유치
Partnership business between Gang Neung Yeong Dong College and Waikato University
Lecturer of Tourism business and Education system in New Zealand at Gang Neung Yeong Dong College
Host of BC Card Summer School Holiday Camp


07 July

인천시립전문대학 자매결연사업 with Waikato University
Partnership business between Junior College Inchon and Waikato University


Auckland Korean International Student Association

오클랜드 한국유학생 협의회

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